Neuro Psychology

Neuropsychology is a speciality field of clinical psychology that explores how human psyche, cognition and behaviour are related to brain function. Neurological disorders include a wide range of organic disorders ranging from headaches, sinus, syncope to disorders like epilepsy, stroke, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s, Multiple sclerosis, Dementia, and the like. A Neuropsychologist is a significant addition to the team of treating doctors as we provide an addition to understanding the level of higher order functioning of an Individual. The various domains that are investigated involves attention, orientation, working memory, recall, recognition, language, comprehension, perceptual ability, and social cognition. A Neuropsychologist also takes on a role of providing holistic care in terms of rehabilitation for the identified deficits and as well as addressing various other psychological concerns that occur during the treatment. The work is done alongside the family to provide psychoeducation to them as well as the patient about the current functional status and formulate accurate treatment goals for the rehabilitation. Interventions like psychological assessments, counselling, supportive psychotherapy, family therapy and individualized therapy addressing cognitive dysfunctions, emotion regulation, faulty behaviour patterns and other aspects depending on the patient’ needs and that of the family are provided.